Creepshow 2 Collector's Edition
review by Bobby Blakey

After the 1982 successful collaboration between George A. Romero and Stephen King for Creepshow it was only a matter of time before they teamed up once again. In 1987 they did just that with Michael Gornick this time in the director’s chair and Romero and King providing the stories. While this film has been released before numerous times, Arrow Films is bringing an all-new version to Blu-ray complete with new packaging.
Creepshow 2 features three stories including much like the original film with each of these bringing a unique tale to life, but this time around were way darker and lost the camp fun of the most of the original. As with these kinds of films it features a great cast including Tom Savini, George Kennedy, Dorothy Lamour, Don Harvey, Holt McCallany, and Tom Wright. I know that this sequel isn’t as popular as the original, but I have always loved this follow up for the darker tone of it all. Each story brings something unique to the film taking on a very different direction.
The first of the stories “Old Chief Wodd’nhead” follows a group of young hoodlums who face retribution from an unlikely source after looting a local hardware store that is pretty simple, but effective in every way. I have always loved the look and direction they went with the wooden chief and the catalyst to what plays out in this supernatural revenge tale. The over the top clichéd acting from the thugs gives it the 80s flare and laughs all while still being a pretty dark tale that works. Anytime you can see the late great George Kennedy in anything is a treat and he brings such a kind innocence to this character that you actually feel bad for what happens to him and glad with the outcome of those involved.
The second story “The Raft” follows a group of horny teens wish they'd read the warning signs first before taking a dip in a remote lake. This is a pretty simple story with very little set up or explanation which in turn makes it all the better. Sometimes it is great not having some half-baked reason for what is happened and just let the mystery make it creepier. This one is a typical creature feature with a slime creature used for a different kind of effect. It is funny seeing this strange floating substance as being terrifying, but then seeing what it does to people that touch it brings it home. There are the usual clichéd teens here acting exactly how you expecting them to act. There is one moment near the end that showcases the true twisted nature of them as they are fighting for survive but sex is still on their mind that is almost laughable and perfect. I’ve always loved this entry for the simplistic nature and streamlined aspect that could have easily made an entire film all on its own.
The last tale, "The Hitch-hiker" follows an uptight businesswoman finds herself with some unwanted company following a hit-and-run incident. My favorite of them all is this final entry. Again it is a simple concept but highly effective and the most gruesome of them all. The ongoing line from the hitchhiker played by Tom Wright of “ Thanks for the ride lady!” is so annoying yet perfect for the story it is brilliance. I remember cracking up with it when I saw this for the first time and found myself laughing once again enjoying it all the more now. Wrapped around these three tales is an animated story of a kid dealing with bullies and monsters that is both fitting and fun all the while being hosted by a cryptkeeper type character played by the great Tom Savini. In the end this second entry into the franchise is much better thanks to the darker tone, but still holds on to everything that makes the original so great as well.
This release not only offers the fun cult classic film newly remastered in 2K, but also a creepy collection of bonus features including commentary, behind the scenes, trailers and TV spots, extended scene, original screenplay & production schedule, and featurettes as well as a reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Mike Saputo and a collector’s booklet featuring new writing on the film by Michael Blyth. This is sure to be a must have for horror fans so be sure to get your copy of Creepshow 2 Blu-ray standard and collector’s edition available now from Arrow Films.