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Rebel Moon - Part I:        A Child of Fire
review by Bobby Blakey

I am a big Zac Snyder fan with films like Dawn of the Dead, Watchman, 300, the underrated Sucker Punch and even his DC films. I know there were issues, but I am an unashamed fan of his work. I was excited hearing he had pitched his own take for a Star Wars film, but sadly it never happened and instead has been retooled into his own franchise with the first of the films Rebel Moon – Part I: A Child of Fire. The film features a great cast including Sofia Boutella, Charlie Hunnam, Ed Skrein, Jenna Malone, Anthony Hopkins, Cary Elwes, Djimon Hounsou, Corey Stoll, and Ray Fisher, but does it offer up a new universe worth visiting, or will it fail to find its own force?


Rebel Moon – Part I: A Child of Fire follows a peaceful settlement on the edge of a distant moon that finds itself threatened by the armies of a tyrannical ruling force. Kora, a mysterious stranger living among the villagers becomes their best hope for survival. Tasked with finding trained fighters who will unite with her in making an impossible stand against the Mother World, Kora assembles a small band of warriors - outsiders, insurgents, peasants and orphans of war from different worlds who share a common need for redemption and revenge. As the shadow of an entire Realm bears down on the unlikeliest of moons, a battle over the fate of a galaxy is waged, and in the process, a new army of heroes is formed.


I was hearing some negative things about this first entry into Snyder’s sci-fi opus, but not sure what they were watching because I really dug it. I can see all the elements that could have been within the Star Wars universe and would have loved to see how that played out, but kind of glad it’s not. This allows for so much more freedom as he develops this new universe for us to experience.


This first chapter offers up plenty of action while taking its time to introduce us

to each of the new characters and the world around them. This keeps it from feeling as rushed and gets more invested in each of them. Sure, not all the stories are all that deep, but not all need to be. Some are just what they are, and it brings a good range of personalities to the group that gets you more invested in the fun of it all and the depth of possibility with them.


The cast are all great with each bring their own special something to their roles. Some of them are a bit simpler than others, but I enjoyed them all and the diverse nature of them all in style and substance. None of it is super deep or anything and that is ok as well. Sofia Boutella brings a strong vulnerability to her character that is the focal point of the entire group. She is no stranger to action and once again kicks all kinds of butt. Everyone gets to get in on the action and all bring it as expected.


For this universe to work alongside the plentiful well executed action you must buy into the creatures, aliens and world around you. Thankfully it does a great job with it all and had so many moments and creatures that were all kinds of cool. If you are one that gets quickly annoyed with Snyder’s use of the slow-motion effects then it might bother you at times, but I think they are well placed and enhance the action spectacle of it all. There is an element of sci-fi and fantasy fused into one world, and I am here for it.   


This film works and I am fully invested in this war and looking forward to not only the next chapter but the vast variety of new characters and options it could bring in the future. It does a good job of finishing this current adventure of sorts as well as setting up the next chapter. Everything I wanted this film to be and in sci-fi is here and despite what others might think I think it brought us the next big sci-fi franchise that I hope sticks around for some time.


Check out Rebel Moon – Part I: A Child of Fire streaming now on Netflix.  

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