Gun Shy
review by Bobby Blakey

One of the more underrated actors out there is the always cool Antonio Banderas. When he first unleashed on the world with Desperado he set himself up with a series of action films throughout the 90s. As of late he has had a bit of a resurgence with some great roles in films such as The Skin I Live In, Expendables 3, Black Butterfly and Automata. Now he is back again in a different kind of action role for film Gun Shy co-starring Olga Kurylenko and Mark Valley, but does it offer up anything work rocking out to or will it fail to hit the right note?
Gun Shy follows a spoiled and aging rock star whose wife is kidnapped while they are on vacation in Chile. With very few skills beyond playing bass and partying, he must pull himself together to save his wife from her hostile captors. You can tell from the moment this film starts that it is going to be way more funny than action heavy. The story is often times over the top and ridiculous and very hit and miss as a whole. The biggest thing holding this film together is Banderas’s commitment to the role who looks like he is having a blast. Everyone here seems to be more bumbling than effective making every character here a bit frustrating. Make no mistake it is meant to be funny but never really lives up to what it could have been. There are laughs that work and more that don’t, but the action is pretty weak except when it is going more for the comedy approach.
As a whole this film wasn’t near as entertaining as I had hoped, but it admit that it is a ton of fun watching Banderas do his thing here. I remain a fan and this film will likely entertain those looking for a silly flick, but it could have been so much. Stay through the entire credits as there are things happening non stop until the last moment in what seems like the never ending feature, but offer up some even better moments han what was in the film itself.
This release not only includes the film but bonus features including a music montage and featurette taking you behind the making of the film. Grab your copy of Gun Shy available now on On Demand, Blu-ray (plus Digital HD), DVD, and Digital HD from Lionsgate Home Entertainment.