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Howling III review by Bobby Blakey 


There are few horror genre’s that have struggled to find its rhythm, but still released so many than that of the werewolf. A few years back Shout Factory released one the better in the genre The Howling on Blu-ray for the first time and then a couple years later the weaker follow-up The Howling II. Now they are bringing the 1987 third chapter aptly titled Howling III from director Philippe Mora to BLu-ray for the first time.


The Howling III follows a strange race of human-like marsupials who appear suddenly in Australia, and a sociologist who studies these creatures falls in love with a female one. While I love the ridiculous badness of this film it does make me sad that the follow-ups to such a great film just never could capture that magic. Instead they seemed to try to get as crazy out there as possible and ended up being sillier than anything else.  


This chapter is just bad from beginning to end in the best way possible. The performances are bad across the board making the film come off like more of a comedy than anything else. Its not really clear if they were intentional but there is no denying it is near impossible to not laugh of be confused throughout. There is everything from a strange cartoon like flat head werewolf from a movie within the movie to a werewolf baby, werewolf nuns with really bad prosthetics and even a kangaroo like pouch with the mother werewolf to keep the child.


I would like to be able to say I am making this up but at the same time it is so laughable and entertainingly bad it offers up a lot of fun for people that love horrible movies. Fans of the franchise or just bizarre silly 80s flicks will no doubt want to check out Howling III available now on Blu-ray from Shout Factory.


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