Bat Pussy
review by Bobby Blakey

There are movies out there that have to be seen to believe. In the world of adult films they do not usually work their way into the mainstream often, but there are a handful that have become something more than was likely ever intended. One of the most bizarre of them all is the lost cult film Bat Pussy. Now the film is being made available from Alamo Drafthouse's American Genre Film Archive and Something Weird.
As if a film like this needs a synopsis, it follows the citizens of Gothum City who are under attack by smut filmmakers and only one hero can help! Bat Pussy (Dora Dildo) hangs out in her secret headquarters (aka an outhouse). When her "twat begins to twitch," warning her of imminent crime, Bat Pussy hops on her Holy Hippity-Hop to foil the grotesque sex schemes of un-happily married couple Buddy and Sam! From that ridiculous synopsis you might think this film offers up some sex and laughs and you would be right, just not in the way you might think. To be clear this is a porn film for the most part, but it is so bad that it is almost insulting to the porn industry if that is even possible.
The story is barely understandable as it literally spends the majority of the hour length of time in the bad with Buddy and Sam who are supposed to be having sex I guess, but instead just seem to argue while attempting relations despite his shortcomings. It is the most unsexy thing you are likely to ever see in this genre, but yet is so over the top bad you can’t turn away. The Bat Pussy side of the story is completely out of place with the rest of the film and makes just as little sense. She comes hopping in on her Hippity Hop ball and then somehow gets involved and adds nothing more than more confusion to what I assumes was supposed to be the big sex finale.
It is not possible to really explain to someone how awesomely bad this movie is. For those not in the know this is a lost film that no one knows anything about in regards to who these people are or when and where it was made. It has gained cult status for its sheer horrible execution of anything here making it hard to even admit it being a legitimate film, but is a must see if you are into cult films. I had no idea what I was witnessing here, but admit to being entertained by its sheer badness. Be warned this is a porn film and while it is far from something that will get you in the mood it does feature sexual scenes (if you can call them that) so if you are offended or just not into that then avoid this film.
Now you can get your grubby hands on this Blu-ray for yourself thanks to MVD by heading over here now.