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Beetlejuice 4K Ultra

         review by Bobby Blakey


I love all things Tim Burton. He has a style all his own and its almost always obvious when he is involved. In 1988 he unleashed his supernatural comedy Beetlejuice starring Geena Davis, Alec Baldwin, Winona Ryder, Jeffery Jones, Catherine O’Hara and Michael Keaton in the titular role. Now Warner Bros is giving this chaotic comedy the 4K release, but will it enhance the craziness of it all or will it get lost in the netherworld?


Beetlejuice follows a couple of stay-at-home ghosts who call on Beetlejuice, the afterlife’s freelance bio-exorcist after their beloved home is taken over by trendy yuppies and everyone gets more than she, he or it bargains for! I remember seeing this film in the theater and blown away by how over the top crazy, funny and just out there it was. Even before knowing the full extent to Burton’s style you could see something was just different here and I loved it.


From the first time I witnessed Burton’s stylistic world here I have been a fan of all his work with this one and Edward Scissorhands being my top favorites. This is a film that shouldn’t work at all, but thanks to the great visuals, over the top fun antics, brilliant cast and just all around great film it stands all on its own. I love everything about this movie even more so now than I did the first time I saw it back in 1988. There is just something about this movie that puts a smile on your face from beginning to the end.


The 4K transfer of this looks beautiful and really adds to the visuals of this classic film. I am so glad they have released it in this format and look forward to enjoying it in HD for years to come. This release not only includes the film in 4K Ultra, but also bonus content including trailer, featurettes, three episodes from the Beetlejuice animated TV series and more.


Grab your copy of Beetlejuice on 4K Ultra for the first time when it hits stores on September 1st from Warner Bros Home Entertainment.

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