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Killing Gunther       review by Bobby Blakey

Ever since Arnold Schwarzenegger stepped out of the Governor’s chair and back into the action star role he has taken on some interesting roles. Some have been generic action flicks like The Last Stand, but others have given him the chance to flex his dramatic muscles like Maggie and Aftermath. Now he is stepping back into comedy with his latest film Killing Gunther with a young cast younger cast including Cobie Smulders, Bobby Moynihan, Amir Talai, Hannah Simone, and Allison Tolman along with director and star Taran Gillam at the helm, but does it offer up anything worthy of this action icon or will it be a missed hit?


Killing Gunther follows a group of eccentric assassins who are fed up with Gunther, the world's greatest hitman, and decide to kill him, but their plan turns into a series of bungled encounters as Gunther seems to always be one step ahead. Despite this film being fully promoted with Schwarzenegger front and center he is actually only in about 30 minutes of the movie, but it is so worth it. He pokes fun at himself and is given a lot of really funny moments to ham it up like only he can. The rest of the cast all do a fine job to bring this silly movie to life. It wasn’t near as funny as I had hoped, but would be lying if I said that I didn’t have a good time with it.


I typically hate the found footage genre at this point, but this was a clever use of it and made sure to keep bringing it up as to why they would still be filming during some of the more insane moments. There are some fun action moments, but in reality this film focuses more on the relationships between all the assassins and helps to grow them in silly ways for better or worse. The story isn’t anything overly original, but works to keep it moving forward with purpose and manages to entertain for all its predictability and silliness.


If you go into this movie understanding the ridiculousness of it all then you will likely have a good time. Don’t expect anything like Schwarzenegger has done before because he is over the top and silly while still bringing the pain and even steps aside to sing some country music. (this is not a joke) If you decide to check it out be sure to stay through the majority of the credits for the fun to continue. This release not only includes the film but also bonus content including a blooper reel and deleted scenes. Join in on the hunt for the world’s top assassin with Killing Gunther available now on Blu-ray and DVD from Lionsgate Home Entertainment.

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