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Playing With Fire

         review by Bobby Blakey


I love that John Cena is one of those big guys that not only can carry and action movie, but is willing to step into comedy roles and just have fun. His latest film Playing With Fire teams him up with a great cast including the always great John Leguizamo, Keegan-Michael Key, Tyler Mane, Brianna Hildebrand, Christian Convery and Finley Rose Slater. Could this family comedy spark a blaze of laughter or will it just burn too far o ut of control?

Playing With Fire follows straight-laced fire superintendent Jake Carson and his elite team of expert firefighters who come to the rescue of three siblings in the path of an encroaching wildfire, they quickly realize that no amount of training could prepare them for their most challenging job yet – babysitters. Unable to locate the children’s parents, the firefighters have their lives, jobs and even their fire depot turned upside down and quickly learn that kids – much like fires –are wild and unpredictable.


Obviously I am not the demographic for this film, but I have to admit I love kid movies like this when they bring in a great cast that is just looking to have fun and not take themselves too seriously. Going into this I already had an idea of what kind of film I was going to get, but what I didn’t expect was to have as much fun with it. I love this cast and for those that don’t already know I am a huge Leguizamo fan so I was already all in before the first joke. Thankfully everyone here seems to be having a blast and it shines through in the fun of it all.


Everyone in the cast delivers with Tyler Mane most notable for Playing Sabertooth in X-Men and Michael Myers in the Rob Zombie Halloween films, brings a fun take to the big man persona. He had some of biggest laughs for me and loved him throughout. Lequizamo and Key both bring the funny like only they can that is all wrapped up with John Cena poking fun at himself once again. Over the years Cena has really found a niche in comedy and here is no different. Where peers like Hulk Hogan and even Dwayne Johnson have struggled with this family genre he shines in bringing the laughs.


There isn’t anything here that you haven’t seen in some fashion before, but it’s a lot of fun for the while family and worth checking out. This release not only includes the film but also bonus content including bloopers, deleted scenes, featurettes and more. Grab your copy of Playing With Fire available now on digital and then on Blu-ray and DVD on February 4th from Paramount Home Entertainment.

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