Weird: The Al Yankovic Story
review by Bobby Blakey
Weird Al Yankovic is undoubtedly one of the most talented and entertaining singers of all time. His music has been bringing the laughs to the mainstream since the early 80s not counting his early days with Doctor Demento. Now his story is being brought to film (sort of) with Weird: The Al Yankovic Story with Daniel Radcliffe taking on the title role alongside Evan Rachel Wood, Rainn Wilson, and an A-list cast of thousands their agents won't let them reveal. Could this film do Weird Al justice or will it just be a parody of itself?
Weird follows the unexaggerated true story about the greatest musician of our time. From a conventional upbringing where playing the accordion was a sin, Al rebelled and made his dream of changing the words to world-renowned songs come true. An instant success and sex symbol, Al lives an excessive lifestyle and pursues an infamous romance that nearly destroys him.
Heading into this film you may be hoping for a biopic like those of recent years featuring Queen and Elton John, but instead in true Weird Al fashion this is a parody of biopics that takes aspects of his life and career and fused them into the ridiculous. Initially you might be somewhat disappointed hoping for a straight story, but like the music he has been entertaining us with for decades this seems like the most appropriate way to tell his story.
I loved this movie as it is just ridiculous on all fronts, but still interesting in the way it is crafted. It gives a peek into his life, but pokes fun at these types of movies as well as twists the truth to it all most notable popular elements with Madonna and Jackson. Radcliffe is great in the role fully embracing the look and vibe of Yankovic. He could have played this in so
many ways given the nature of the film but he was all in and took it serious making it work all the better.
The crazy supporting cast and cameos are plenty making for a fun lookinto the crazy world of the entertainment business and recreations of his exposure. Obviously a lot of the elements were not fully factual, but they are still great fun and no doubt are reminiscent to a lot of the crazy times of his life. For those wondering, yes there are action sequences, villains, a fall from grace and plethora of Yankovic hits throughout.
I was really hoping for a straightforward biopic, but this is so much better. As mentioned before I can think of no better way to honor his career and life with a film that mimics the music that made him famous. Not sure how well it will work for those that aren’t fans, but who wants to hear from those no sense of humor people anyway.
In addition to the film this release will offer up bonus content to be announced that will take audiences behind bringing the crazy world of Weird Al to life. Strap on your accordion and check out Weird: The Al Yankovic Story available now on digital and then on 4K, Blu-ray and DVD on December 12th from Shout! Studios.